What We Do


We strive to support MSME by helping solve their problem by providing short term, specialised and customised solutions to their technical problems.

Our Methodology is to visit, understand the problem, if the problem is within our current capabilities to resolve it, we offer a contract, we send our cross functional teams to customer site for data collections and problem analysis, then devise specified, customised solution , present it to management and implement it by their help.

We focus in following areas.

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ( Production, Quality and Process).

Operations Management is not just simply managing production run time or number of rejected components, its much more like a human body, where in there is need to have monitoring and control mechanism for tangible actions and outputs like numbers of good part produced in certain time frame but also psychological but intangible support systems, like employee satisfaction and motivation.

We do try and bring that harmony of tangible and intangible in the overall operation system.


We have our dedicated team of expert engineers who get into the fine details of the product and requirements and suggest the number of possible methods and solutions for a particular product and design the best possible method.


Our Lean Manufacturing team is dedicated to resolve all the production issues in a manner consistent not only with existing manufacturing processes and capabilities of our clients but are also ready to grade up to Ind. 4.0 standards.


Our team of natural engineers know exactly what to do and how ,in seemingly difficult and impossible situations, our experience is that people are always looking for exotic solutions rather than simple and easy one, and that’s what we do when we design special purpose solutions for you. We also do suggest how to control and upgrade your entire manufacturing system to Ind. 4.0 Std. without being out of worldly.

We design most competitive solutions for real time monitoring of process control, product flow and health of equipment for your operations.

We are pleased to offer you handson, result oriented services.

Before begining to provide services to our clients, we asses and predict direct benefits we would be able to bring and We remain conservative, although customers would find it very pleasing.
So, just give us a call.